FATBROSからハンチングキャップが入荷。ロゴはなんと野坂稔和(TOSHIKAZU NOZAKA)デザイン
野坂稔和、 文身師 初代 稔和
野坂 稔和 (ノザカトシカズ) 東京都出身
同時期に日本伝統刺青の修業にはいる。その後日本各地、アメリカ、ヨーロッパなどでゲス トワークをこなす。そんな中、より多くの人々に日本の精神性をアーワークを通して伝えた いと思い、2003年より個展、グループ展を毎年開催,参加している。現在は日本文化を 研究、継承、再構築を自身のテーマとしながら文身師、スケートボード制作、現代美術家と して各方面で精力的に活動中。
スケートボードメーカーAsianWave skates代表。
Toshikazu Nozaka was used to be a pro-skateboarder in early 90s.
Then he shifted to learn Japanese traditional tattoo around the same time. Later, he has done several guest works in various region of Japan, US, and Europe. Meanwhile, he realized that he wants to convey a Japanese spiritual nature to many people as possible through his artwork, then he started doing a solo show and group exhibition in every year since 2003. He has been dealing with the study, inheritance and restructuring of Japanese culture, and is currently working as tattootist, skateboard maker, and contemporary artist in various area. He is also a head of skateboard brand, AsianWave skates,
He has been contributing his artworks to ASAHIbeer, Etnies, Dragon, Redbull, 12snowboards, flux, uppper play ground, and more.